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Technical Support Department: fax +31 174 445 222, mail: [email protected]


Adjusting the DTS-C transfer for optimum performance

The top of the DTS-C must be positioned level or up to 2 mm below the flat surface of the

RR(HD) 2000 belt. Final adjustment the of combs is achieved as follows.

Higher position of the DTS-Comb

Positioning the comb higher increases the dead plate but will also provide a

smooth product flow.

Lowering the position of the DTS-Comb

Lowering the comb decreases the dead plate, but will also decrease the product
flow stability, due to the chordal action. 

Optimum performance of the DTS-C is achieved by fine-tuning when running the machine with the

actual products.

Shorter deadplate

Longer deadplate

DTS-Comb level
with top of
RR2000 belt

DTS-Comb up to
2mm lower then

surface of
RR2000 belt
