• Remove all packages before use.
• It is recommended you clean your urn before the
fi rst use.
• Make sure the tap is closed.
• Fill the tank with tap water. Make sure the water is
below the ”MAX” water level indicator.
• Replace the lid and turn clockwise to lock into place.
(Pict. 1 and 2)
• Connect the plug and the socket. Place the per-
colator tube and the fi lter basket in the tank and
put the desired amount of coffee on the basket.
Make sure that the percolator tube is fi tted inside
the Coffee Urn. Otherwise, it will not work properly.
• Use Only coarse ground coffe, do not use a fi nely,
powder-like ground coffe.
• Switch ON. The heating indicator will light up and
the water starts to heat up, the water will spout
from the tube, fall down to the coffee powder. It
works in this way again and again until the heating
indicator goes out and the keep warm lights up,
showing that the proper amount of water has been
sprayed well and the appliance is in the state of
preserving heat. (Pict. 3)
Pict. 1. Put the lid on the bowser.
Pict. 2. Turn clockwise to lock into place.
Pict. 3. The process of brewing coffee – When the temperature is increasing, the water begins to heat up and
fl oat upward fl owing through the percolator tube (Pic. 3a). Then sinks to the bottom, passing through the fi lter
basket with coffee (Pic. 3b). This cycle is repeated until the total brew coffee (Pic. 3c).