Elektrotechnische Anlagen GmbH
Pull off the jumper J3 is only allowed by interrupting the pulses of the frequency inverter or of
the power feed/feedback unit in the case of switching off the mains by series interrupting devices
like contactors, main switches or any others. This is necessary to stop the power feed/feedback to
prevent a dangerous voltage rise on devices in the sector where the power is switched-off. The
Jumper J7 should only be removed in the case of Jumper J3 is removed. Otherwise when the
phase-failure-supervision is active a "phase failure" will only be shown as long as the failure
does exist (no error storage).
f) Overvoltage supervision
Since the control board version 1.4.3 the device has an overvoltage supervision for the
mains which switches off the device in the case of a voltage level of approximately 1,15 x
and above. As an error message the error code 3 will be shown (see chapter 7.1). For
the differentiation of the error messages phase failure and overvoltage you have the possi-
bility to deactivate the phase-failure-supervision by removing the jumper J3 on the control
board. If after that a switch-off with the indication via the red and yellow LED (error code
3) happens, an overvoltage will be the reason of the switch-off then.
J3 J5 J6 J7 J8 LED Message
Evaluation (overvoltage)
— X X — — Green 1.red yellow Overvoltage a/o phase failure/
commutation error
— X X 0 — green —
yellow Overvoltage
0 X X — — green 1.red yellow Overvoltage a/o phase failure/
commutation error
0 X X 0 — green —
yellow Overvoltage
0 X X 0 — green 1.red yellow Constant phase failure
0 Jumper open
Jumper closed
Jumper random
Standard adjustment of the device
Autostart and no switching off in case of phase failure