Maximum Temperature Setting
The maximum blend temperature obtainable by the user is limited to prevent
accidental selection of a temperature that is too hot.
The DMV is fully performance tested and the maximum temperature is factory preset,
refer to
Provided that the installation conditions comply with the operating parameters given
in the specifications section of this manual, the maximum temperature should not
require adjustment.
Should the user require to change the Default, Minimum, Maximum Temperatures
or the Flow Times, refer to your Rada Sense Programmer Software Manual.
The outlet temperature must be re-checked after a new temperature has
been programmed.
The Rada Sense Programmer CD supplied, is designed to run on
Microsoft Windows 98/NT/2000/XP operating systems. The programmer software
is designed to run on Microsoft Pocket PC 2002 and Microsoft Mobile Windows for
Pocket PC 2003. Refer to your Rada Sense Programmer Software Manual.