FIRST Global Building Guide Created by REV Robotics 2019, Licensed Under CC BY-SA
Simple Arms
Two methods to create a simple are shown in the figures below. Figure 71 uses a Hex Pillow Block bolted to a piece of
extrusion and the hex shaft can be rotated (not shown) to turn the light duty arm. In Figure 72 gears are bolted to the
extrusion for a heavier duty arm. In this example, another shaft with gears can be places parallel to the arm pivot to drive
the larger gears.
Figure 71: Simple Low Torque Arm Example
Figure 72: Simple Gear Driven Arm Example
The mini robot (Minibot) is a simple and easy to build robot that can be put together in under an hour. The purpose of this
model is to learn the basic building skills (Figure 73) required to build larger more complex robots. The Minibot is also a
good platform to start learning to write basic code and learn to use sensors before your larger robot is finished. A
Complete getting started instructions for the Minibot are available separately.
Figure 73: Mini Robot