6. Chime selection
You can set required chime using the selector switch
(a) 2-tone chimes
(b) 3-tone chimes
(c) Westminster chimes
If you are using further transmitters you can install differing si-
gnals using chime selection.
7. Chime Function
The radio-controlled chimes can be used upon completion of coding
(see text no. 5) and installation of the transmitter (fastening materials
are included with the set). When the button
is pressed, the chimes
sound briefly with the selected melody. The chimes can be switched
on and off using the switch
. The volume of the chimes can be
adjusted using the switch
8. Integration into an existing door bell system
The radio-controlled chimes are suitable for integration into an exi-
sting door bell system. Two operating formats are available for this:
You have an existing door bell system with transformer and would
like to operate the radio-controlled chimes in another room parallel
to the existing chimes (illus.
Connect the contacts A and C of the transmitter
parallel to the
existing door bell system
. If you have no function or an auto-
repeat, switch terminals A and C over.
You have an existing door bell button and would like to operate this
together with the radio-controlled set (illus.
Connect the contacts B and C of the transmitter
parallel to the
existing door bell button
9. Changing the covers
To change the coloured flashlight cover
, pull it carefully off the
receiver and press the selected replacement cover in place in the
three retaining holes.
10. Marking panel
Open the marking panel
at the provided indentation and insert
a written tab, e.g. with your name, behind the clear cover. Close the
marking panel by applying even light pressure to the clear cover.
11. Important instructions
• The range between the transmitter and receive is max. 50m in an
open area. The radio signal’s strength depends on constructional
conditions when being transmitted through walls, panelling, furni-
ture and other obstacles – walls, in particular reinforced concrete
walls and ceilings – lead to a reduction in range.
• Reception can be severely impeded by screening from metal parts
so that a transmission of the signal is no longer possible. For this
reason, never attach the transmitter
to a metal surface.
14901 Bed innen.indd 16-17
15.11.2011 08:02:56