Technical data
Pos : 5. 2 / 00005 Übersc hrift en/1. Übersc hrift en/1 Tec hnisc he Dat en @ 0 \ mod_1222344525522_9. doc @ 2407 @
4 Technical data
Pos : 5. 3 / 00005 Übersc hrift en/1. 1 Ü berschrif ten/ 1. 1 Ü bers chrift en BDA/ 11 Eins atz der M asc hine bei besti mmungsgemäß er Ver wendu ng @ 0\ mod_1226476732248_9. doc @ 3243 @ 2
4.1 Use of the machine for the intended purpose
Pos : 5. 4 / 00010 Bedienungsanlei tungen/ 00140 Kapi tels ammlung Paddl e Blender/ 0002 PB Kapit el T ec hnisc he D at en/0201 PB Modul Zielgruppe Masc hi nent ypbez eic hnung @ 2\ mod_1262780708625_9. doc @ 18240 @
Target group:
Machine type designation
: Paddle Blender
Pos : 5. 5 / 00010 Bedienungsanlei tungen/ 00140 Kapi tels ammlung Paddl e Blender/ 0002 PB Kapit el T ec hnisc he D at en/0202 PB Modul bes timmungsgemäß e Ver wendung @ 2\ mod_1262780918530_9.doc @ 18247 @ 333
The smasher is a size reducer that produces a homogenised, liquid suspension to
represent the sample to be analysed.
The size of the sample is reduced with the aid of two stainless steel plates (450 -
640 movements per minute) in a grinding chamber made of ABS.
If the material is difficult to cut up, the motor switches into reverse gear to help
accelerate the speed of the plates and process the sample with increased impact
Programmable motor speed and process run duration
The size reduction operates either in programmable runs of 10 - 180 sec. or in
continuous operation.
The motor speed can be suited to the sample which is to be cut up. There is a
choice of 3 speeds: slow, normal and fast.
Utilisation convenience and volume
The smasher, which is equipped with vibration-proof feet, works efficiently and also
quietly. Its ergonomically shaped handle allows a choice of right-handed or left-
handed operation.
Cleaning the interior is made easier by the rounded form of the size reduction
chamber and by the possibility of tilting the device backwards.
As a standard feature in the series, the device is equipped with an integrated waste
collecting receptacle.
Thanks to the removable plates, all areas in the size reduction chamber are easy
to access.
Pos : 5. 6 / 00004 War nhi nweis e/ General H INWEI S Eins at zbereic h des G erätes 8 Stündiger @ 1 \mod_1236240219096_9. doc @ 7693 @
Area of use of the machine
This machine is a laboratory machine designed for 8-hour single-shift
This machine may not be used as a production machine nor is it
intended for continuous operation.
Pos : 5. 7 / 00005 Übersc hrift en/1. 1 Ü berschrif ten/ 1. 1 Ü bers chrift en BDA/ 11 Schut zei nricht ungen @ 0\ mod_1226486316130_9.doc @ 3304 @
4.2 Protective equipment
Pos : 5. 8 / 00010 Bedienungsanlei tungen/ 00140 Kapi tels ammlung Paddl e Blender/ 0002 PB Kapit el T ec hnisc he D at en/0203 PB Modul Sch utz einric ht ung en @ 2\ mod_1262781835223_9. doc @ 18254 @
The motor is protected by an electronic system.
When the door is closed, the inside of the size reduction chamber is inaccessible.
Pos : 5. 9 / 00005 Übersc hrift en/1. 1 Ü berschrif ten/ 1. 1 Ü bers chrift en BDA/ 11 Emmisionen @ 0\ mod_1226487095021_9. doc @ 3310 @