The Thin Tube with xReceiver and Dome
The thin tube feeds signals from the hearing instrument
into the xReceiver unit placed in the ear. It is important that
the thin tube and the dome fit correctly into your ear. If the
thin tube or dome irritate your ear in any way and prevent
you from wearing your hearing instrument, please contact
your hearing care professional. The thin tube and the dome
should be cleaned regularly.
Use a damp cloth to clean the thin tube with xReceiver
and dome on the outside. The dome should be changed
every third month or sooner if it becomes stiff or brittle.
We recommend that you have your hearing care profes-
sional change the sports lock and dome for you. If your
hearing care professional instructs you to change the sports
lock and domes yourself, make sure that they are securely
fastened to the receiver cord before inserting them in your
ear. A failure to change the domes in accordance with the
instructions could result in injury.
How to mount the Open Dome
The Sports Lock and the Open Dome are mounted on the
thin tube with xReceiver by pushing it over the grooves.
How to mount the Tulip-Dome
The Sports Lock and Tulip-Dome are mounted on the thin
tube with xReceiver by pushing it over the grooves.