Volume Control
All the ReSound Essence models
have a volume control which allows
you to set and control the volume
manually. The volume wheel has
numbers on it from 1 to 4, with 4
being the maximum volume set-
ting. During the fitting of the hear-
ing instrument, your hearing care
practitioner will select an optimal
volume setting for you. Please note the setting of that particu-
lar level. To increase the volume with the instrument fit to your
ear, turn the volume control wheel up. To reduce the volume,
turn the wheel down.
Please note that your instrument has been fit by your hearing
care professional and that your hearing loss requires a certain
amount of amplification. This will also effect how much you are
able to increase the volume on your instrument.
• If you prefer not to use the volume wheel your hearing care
practitioner can disable the volume control.
Programme Selector
Your hearing instrument has a push
button allowing you to use up to
three different listening program-
mes, each of them suitable for cer-
tain situations.
Your hearing care professional has
most likely programmed multiple
programmes into your instru ment.
pro grammes
simply by depressing the programme selector once You
will then hear one, two or three “beeps”, indicating which
programme you have selected. Your hearing instrument will
switch programmes as follows:
• If you have at least 2 programmes you would automatically
start in the default programme, programme 1, press the pro-
gramme button once to get to programme 2. You will hear 2
beeps when you are in programme 2
• If you have 3 programmes: Press the programme button twice
to get to programme 3. You will hear 3 beeps when you are in
programme 3.
You can always return to programme 1 by turning your instru-
ment off and then on again.