© RESOL 09099_flo
F lo w C o n S
3. Emptying the system
Open the nonreturn valve in the ball valve (see follow
ing advice).
Open the air vent at the highest point of the system
(above the collector).
Open the fill and drain valve at the lowest point of the
system, if possible close to the store connection (not
supplied) or at the drain valve and the pump.
4. Non-return valve
The nonreturn valve of the pump station is integrated
into the ball valve above the circulation pump. It has an
opening pressure of 200 mm head.
In order to empty the system completely, the nonreturn
valve has to be opened. For this purpose, the knob of
the ball valve has to be put in a 45° position. The ball
in the ball valve then opens the nonreturn valve.
For normal system operation, the ball valve has to be
completely opened.
In order to avoid false circulation ( “Inpipecirculation“),
the flow line (from the collector to the store) has to
be equipped with a thermosiphon or an additional non
return valve.
5. Safety assembly
The pump station is equipped with a diaphragm safety
valve which corresponds to the relavant directives and
regulations. For installation and operation, please pay
attention to the following advice:
The safety valve has to be easily accessible. The effici
ency of the valve must not be influenced or disabled
by barriers!
The strainer or other restriction devices must not be
mounted between collector (field) and safety valve!
The diameter of the discharge pipe must correspond to
the diameter of the valve outlet; the maximum length
must not exceed 2 m; more than 2 bends are inadmis
sable. When these values are exceeded (2 bends, 2 m
pipe length), you have to install a discharge pipe with
larger dimensions. Do not use more than 3 bends and
pipes longer than 4 m!
If the discharge pipe leads into a drain pipe with a hopper,
the diameter of the drain pipe has to be at least twice as
large as the valve inlet. The opening of the discharge
pipe should be inclined downwards. It should be routed
so that the opening can be seen but does not present
any risk to a person standing or passing by.
It is useful to place a container under the discharge pipe.
If the safety valve opens, the fluid will be collected and
can be refilled in to the system when the pressure is
too low.
ball valve
ball valve
ball valve