Line Array User’s Manual
AimWare provides a visual interface to the complex math behind vertical array optimization
If you happen to own a “line array” system and have a week or two in an empty venue to prepare for your next
event, feel free to set up multiple measurement systems at, fro example, a dozen points in the audience area. Then
experiment with different hang points, aiming angles, number of modules and splay angles. The possibilities are
almost endless and a large number of data points are required before reliable correlations between various design
factors and the actual results begin to appear.
Alternatively, you can download
, the Renkus-Heinz Windows based software program for the design
and optimization of vertical arrays.
lets you define audience areas that closely model the real world
of performance venues. It then allows you experiment with different array configurations (hang points, trim
height, tilt angle, number of modules and splay angles). Best of all, AimWare shows you accurate predictions of
real world results in seconds, not hours.
When you are done you can save the design as a file for later recall or modification. You can also import the file
into EASE 4.1 or EASE JR 4.1 for further evaluation in EASE.
Line arrays are not “point and shoot” systems
A little experimentation in
will confirm that it is not good design practice to simply aim a flat “line
source” vertical array at the center of the audience area. The typical result would be a few very loud rows in the
middle of the seating area with insufficient level at the front and rear. Nor is it possible to get good results by
aiming the top module in the array at the back row of the audience and the bottom row at the front row. The
height, tilt angle and curvature of the array all interact to produce the desired effect (consistent SPL front to rear).
The optimum angles are often non-intuitive (there is no simple “formula” that says “hang X boxes at 0° vertical
splay, then X more at medium splay and X at the bottom with maximum splay.”
Designing a Vertical Array with AimWare
Define the Venue
Define the depth and location of up to three audience areas with independent start and end points.