HE-Series Indoor
7.6.2 Enthalpic Core Removal
Before removing enthalpic cores, switch the main disconnect to OFF. Open the door to the Energy
Recovery Module and simply pull each core straight out of its guides.
7.6.3 Enthalpic Core Replacement
Cores have foam gasketing on one end of each core. The core should be reinstalled so that the foam
gasketing is toward the back of the ERV and the core label is facing toward the front.
To access enthalpic cores for cleaning, remove the air filters.
To clean enthalpic cores, all exposed surfaces must be vacuumed with an attachment having long,
soft bristles. The greatest buildup of dirt and dust will normally be on the leading 1–2 inches of the
inlet side (closest to the air filters).
When cores are
removed from the
ERV, they should
be immediately
protected from accidental
damage, water, high heat
or flames.