5. Next Step
After you have completed this quick start procedure, please review the tutorial code and sample code that came with the kit. You can add projects to the
current workspace by selecting (Project > Insert Project) from the main menu. The tutorials will help you understand the device and development process
using Renesas Development Tools.
The Hardware manual supplied with this RSK is current at the time of publication. Please check for any updates to the device manual from the Renesas
website at:
6. Renesas SuperH Compiler
The version of the compiler provided with this RSK is fully functional but time limited. You have 60 days to evaluate the full product before the compiler will
limit the code linker to 256k bytes. Full licensed SH compiler versions are available from your Renesas supplier.
7. Support
Online technical support and information is available at:
Technical Contact Details
Note on Autoupdate: The Autoupdater is configured to automatically add itself to the Startup folder in the Windows Start Menu and use the registry
defaults for access to the web. After restarting the machine the Icon will appear in the System Tray next to the clock. To change the settings or access
Autoupdate, simply right-click on the icon and use the menu that appears.
© Renesas Solutions Corporation. 2008.
© Renesas Technology Corporation. 2008.
© Renesas Technology Europe Ltd. 2008.