RX72T CPU Card
User’s Manual
R12UZ0031EJ0100 Rev.1.00
Page 8 of 29
Feb. 21, 2019
Regulatory Compliance Notices
European Union regulatory notices
This product complies with the following EU Directives. (These directives are only valid in the European Union.)
CE Certifications:
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive 2014/30/EU
EN61326-1 : 2013 Class A
This is a Class A product. This equipment can cause radio frequency noise when used
in the residential area. In such cases, the user/operator of the equipment may be
required to take appropriate countermeasures under his responsibility.
Information for traceability
Authorised representative
Name: Renesas Electronics Corporation
Address: Toyosu Foresia, 3-2-24, Toyosu, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0061, Japan
Name: Renesas Electronics Corporation
Address: Toyosu Foresia, 3-2-24, Toyosu, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0061, Japan
Person responsible for placing on the market
Name: Renesas Electronics Europe GmbH
Address: Arcadiastrasse 10, 40472 Dusseldorf, Germany
Trademark and Type name
Trademark: Renesas
Product name: RX72T CPU Card for Motor Control
Type name: RTK0EMX990C00000BJ
Environmental Compliance and Certifications:
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive 2012/19/EU