5. Setup
The board combined with this board (M3A-0040) is called a target board in the description below.
This section illustrates how to use this board with a target board to connect to a USB device.
5.1 Using
M3A-0033 is the Renesas USB ASSP Evaluation Motherboard. It is possible to test the R8A66597FP easily by
combining it with this board and the M3A-0033. But, it isn’t possible to test the R8A66597FP’s split bus.
How to use the M3A-0040 with the M3A-0033 is shown as below.
(1) Setting of switch and jumper
(a) Set SW1 to “SEPA”. (“SEPA” is factory setting)
(b) Set JP4 to “3.3 V”. (“3.3V” is factory setting)
(2) Connecting the M3A-0040 to the M3A-0033
Insert CN2’s #1-pin and #2-pin of the M3A-0040 board to CN8’s #1-pin and #2-pin of the M3A-0033 to connect
the two boards together.
(3) VBUS output for host function
Apply 5V to CN4 of the M3A-0040 board using the power supply cable included. The red wire is 5V and the
black one is GND.
(a) When output VBUS to CN1:
(i) Set high level output to VBOUT0 pin of the R8A66597 by software.
(ii) Set JP6 to "HOST".
(b) When output VBUS to CN5:
(i) Set high level output to VBOUT1 pin of the R8A66597 by software.
It is possible to operate the R8A66597FP using the remote debugger KD308 that is attached to the M3A-0033.
Please refer to the M3A-0033 Instruction Manual“.