Section 1 Overview
The H8/36024, H8/36049 group E6000 expansion I/O board (hereinafter referred to as the
expansion I/O board) is an efficient software and hardware development support tool for
application systems using channel 3 of Renesas's original microcomputers H8/36024, H8/36049
group SCI3 (Serial Communication Interface 3).
The expansion I/O board should be used with H8/36024, H8/36049 group E6000 emulator station
(HS3664EPI61H: hereinafter referred to as the emulator).
Environment Conditions
Table 1.1
Environment Conditions
Operating: +10 to +35°C
Storage: –10 to +50°C
Operating: 35 to 80% RH; no condensation
Storage: 35 to 80% RH; no condensation
Ambient gases
No corrosive gases
Power supply
Power supply from E6000 emulator station
User system voltage (UVcc)
Depends on the MCU within the range 3.0 V to 5.5 V