Post-cook cleaning
Use a scraper to remove remaining food residue
and push it into the burn pit of Le BOL. Apply a
thin coat of oil to protect the sear plate from rust
until the next use.
The temperature of the sear plate is dependent
on the size of your fire but can reach well over
500°F. Perfect for searing. The hottest portion of
the sear plate will be nearer the center of the
opening. It can take up to 30-40 minutes to
achieve the desired temperature.
Cooking Tips
Adding more oil
as you’re cooking is helpful to prevent burning. A squeeze bottle works
well. But be very careful not to squirt any oil directly onto the fire.
Moving burning logs to the edges under the sear plate will help it heat rapidly.
An Infra-red thermometer makes it easy to gauge the temperature of the sear plate at
various locations before adding your food. Choose the appropriate spot for what you’re
Try adding different types of wood (or wood chips) for different flavors. Traditional cooking
woods suck as oak, hickory, mesquite, apple, pecan or alder will all impart individual flavors
into your meal.