r) Check the perfect condition of the suction hose before starting up. Leave
the suction hose attached to the electrical device to prevent dust from
escaping accidentally. You could otherwise inhale dust.
s) Switch off the electrical device immediately as soon as foam or water
emerges and empty the tank. The electrical device could otherwise be damaged.
t) The electrical device may not be used as a water pump. The electrical device
is intended for sucking up an air and water mixture.
u) Do not use the electrical device as a seat. You could damage the electrical device.
v) Use the power cable and the suction hose carefully. You could endanger
other persons with them.
w) Do not clean the electrical device by aiming a water jet directly at it. Pene-
tration of water into the top part of the vacuum cleaner increases the risk of
electric shock.
x) An adequate air exchange rate must be provided in the room if the exhaust
air goes back into the room. Observe the national regulations.
y) Before using, the operator must be provided with information, instructions
and training for the use of the machine and the materials for which it is to
be used, including safe disposal procedures for the sucked up material.
The operator must observe the safety regulations valid for the materials to
be handled.
Explanation of symbols
Danger with a medium degree of risk which could result in
death or severe injury (irreversible) if not heeded.
Danger with a low degree of risk which could result in minor
injury (reversible) if not heeded.
Material damage, no safety note! No danger of injury.
Safety vacuum cleaner of dust class L
Safety vacuum cleaner of dust class M
WARNING: This device can contain dusts that are harmful to
the health.
Read the operating manual before starting
Use eye protection
Use a respirator
Use ear protection
Use hand protection
Electrical device complies with protection class I
Environmental friendly disposal
Flat folded fi lter
Paper fi lter bag
Polythene vacuum cleaner/disposal bag
1. Technical data
Use for the intended purpose
REMS Pull L and REMS Pull M are intended for commercial use, e.g. in trade,
industry and workshops, for sucking up non-fl ammable, dry dusts with no asbestos
content, non-fl ammable liquids which occur during use of slitting and cutting machines
or core drilling machines and for cleaning building sites. All other uses are not for
the intended purpose and are prohibited.
REMS Pull L and REMS Pull M are so-called safety vacuum cleaners which are
tested and certifi ed in accordance with EN 60335-2-69 and are suitable for sucking
up dusts that are harmful to health:
● REMS Pull L satisfi es
dust class L
(light) in accordance with EN 60335-2-69
and may be used for separating dust with an exposure limit/work place limit
(AGW) > 1 mg/m³. The fi lter material in vacuum cleaners for dust class L is tested.
The maximum penetration level is < 1 %. There are no special disposal regula-
● REMS Pull M satisfi es
dust class M
(medium) in accordance with EN 60335-2-69
and may be used for separating dust with an exposure limit/ work place limit
(AGW) > 0.1 mg/ m³. Vacuum cleaners of this class are tested as complete units.
The maximum penetration level is < 0.1 %. They are subject to low-dust disposal
When working with mineral building materials, e.g. concrete, steel-reinforced concrete,
all types of masonry, all types of screed, natural stone, a high degree of mineral
dust containing quartz is produced which is harmful to the health. Inhalation of quartz
fi ne dust is harmful to the health. The Directive 89/391/EEC on the taking of meas-
ures to improve the safety and health protection of employees at work obliges the
employer to carry out an appropriate risk assessment at the employees place of
work, determine and evaluate the potential dust load and defi ne necessary protec-
tive measures. The German technical ruling for hazardous substances TRGS 559
"Mineral Dust" defi nes in Appendix 1 that work with slitting and cutting machines
must be classifi ed in exposure category 3 if the effectiveness of the extraction has
not been proven.
In accordance with EN 60335-2-69 a penetration level of < 0.1 % is prescribed for
sucking health hazardous dusts with an exposure limit/work place limit (AGW) of
> 0.1 mg/m³. When slitting and cutting mineral building materials at least one safety
vacuum cleaner/deduster of dust class M must usually be used so that the health
hazardous dusts from machines can be effectively extracted. Safety vacuum cleaners/
dedusters of dust class M are tested as whole units (including the fl at folded fi lter)
and achieve a cleaning effect which allows a largely safe return of clean air into the
work area. Safety vacuum cleaners/dedusters of dust class M in accordance with
EN 60335-2-69 must also achieve a suffi cient extraction volume so that the air speed
in the suction hose of these safety vacuum cleaners/dedusters is monitored. An
acoustic signal sounds on dropping below the air speed of ≥ 20 m/s in the suction
hose (e.g. "fi lter blocked"). The cause must be determined immediately and repaired
before continuing work.
Observe the national regulations: You are expressly reminded that, in many countries,
additional regulations regarding the safe use of such vacuum cleaners for clearing
up and disposal of health hazardous dusts are imposed by the national industrial
health and safety authorities, water board and similar authorities.
The dust regulations are omitted for wet vacuum cleaners.
1.1. Scope of delivery (Fig. 1)
Dry and wet vacuum cleaners REMS Pull L and REMS Pull M with wheels and
castors, suction hose Ø 35 mm, suction hose extension Ø 35 mm, 2 suction
tubes, surface attachment wet/dry, joint attachment wet/dry, handle, adapter
suction hose/power tool, fl at folded fi lter paper, paper fi lter bag.
1.2. Article numbers
Dry and wet vacuum cleaner
Paper fi lter bag, cellulose, pack of 5
Felt fi lter bag, polyester felt, pack of 5
Wet fi lter bag, paper-polyester woven felt, pack of 5
Disposal bag, polythene (PE), pack of 10
Flat folded fi lter paper, cellulose, pack of 1
Flat folded fi lter PES, polyester, pack of 1
Suction hose E with handle E, electrically conductive, 2.5 m
Suction hose extension E, electrically conductive, 2.5 m
1.3. Operating data
Tank content
35 l
35 l
Filling volume liquid
19 l
19 l
Max. fl ow volume
190 m³/h
190 m³/h
Max. vacuum pressure
240 hPa (240 mbar, 3.5 psi)
240 hPa (240 mbar, 3.5 psi)
Suction hose length
2.5 m
2.5 m
Suction hose diameter
21, 27, 35, 40, 50 mm
21, 27, 35, 40, 50 mm
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