What does the Care Clock do?
People living with memory problems can have trouble telling whether its day or night,
morning or afternoon or may simply need reassurance about what day and time it is.
These instructions will tell you about how to use your Care Clock as well as how to
look after it.
The Care Clock will show Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Night for each day of the
week as well as the time.
It will also, with the use of an SD Card or Memory Stick display up to five images that
are saved in a jpeg format.
Once the Care Clock has been set up you will need to think about where to position it.
The Care Clock has been specifically designed with Care Homes, Hospital Wards and
communal areas in mind as well as those who are visually impaired.
We have found customer have benefited from having the Care Clock next to a
calendar or diary to help with keeping appointments and planning activities.