functions on the list page and play page; All kinds of buttons on the all-in-one machine are
playing a support role.
Operation mode of the list page
Use the head view to aim at the target on the list page, and then click the enter button to
enter play page; the left and right button on the all-in-one machine and the left and right
button on the page can switch the list pages.
There are four function buttons at the bottom of the list page: scan button that can rescan
the video files in the all-in-one machine, left and right button that can switch pages, delete
button that can delete native video file.
On the list page, click the back button on the all-in-one machine can quit the application.
Operation mode of the play page and the menu page
1. The play page and menu page use the head view to aim at the target, and then click the enter
button on the all-in-one machine or remote control to operate.
2. Downward the head visual angle on the play page can show the progress bar of play. Use head
view to aim at any place expect progress bar on the play page and then press the enter button
can lock the screen.
3. There are 6 function items and progress bar at the progress bar of play: item that switches the
mode of play and pause, item that switches the mode of cycle playing, item that adjusts
brightness and volume, item that adjusts play progress of the video, item that enters the menu
page, and the item that backs to the list page.
4. On the play page, click the back button on the all-in-one machine can go back to superior page.