Important Information about Using Blood
Samples from the Forearm, Upper Arm, or Base
of the Thumb:
Contact your healthcare professional before you
begin using any one of these alternative sites to test
your blood glucose.
Sampling from any one of these alternative sites may
cause minor bruising and may leave marks that go
away in a short time.
There may be times when alternative site results are
different from fingertip results. This happens when
blood glucose levels change rapidly (for example,
after you eat a meal, after you take insulin, or during
or after exercise).
Use alternative sites to monitor your blood glucose
before, or more than two hours after, you eat a meal,
take insulin, or exercise.
Do not
use blood samples from alternative sites
1. You think your blood glucose is low or is
changing rapidly,
2. You have been diagnosed with hypoglycemic
3. The results from alternative sites do not match
the way you feel,
4. It is within two hours of eating a meal, taking
insulin, or exercising.
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