Step 7
To attach a post-meal flag ( ) to a test result,
press and hold the
button for 3 seconds
after inserting the test strip.
The post-meal flag ( ) and the symbol will
appear on the screen.
The test result will also be displayed with the
post-meal flag ( ).
If you do not want to save the result as a post-meal test, skip this
step. If you want to delete the post-meal flag ( ) that has been
attached, press and hold the
button for 3 seconds again
before applying the blood sample or when the test result is
displayed just after testing.
Flagging Post-meal Test Results
ReliOn™ Premier Classic Meter allows post-meal test to be
flagged with symbol.
The post-meal flag ( ) can be attached and deleted just before
applying the blood sample or when the test result is displayed
just after testing.
Once the test result is saved with the post-meal flag ( ), it
cannot be deleted.