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8.2 SDO Abort Codes
Abort SDO Transfer Protocol see page 58.
0x0503 0000
0x0504 0000
SDO protocol timeout
0x0504 0001
Client/Server command invalid or unknown
0x0504 0002
Invalid block size
0x0504 0003
Invalid sequence number
0x0504 0005
Memory too small
0x0601 0000
Unsupported object access
0x0601 0001
Read access to an object that can only be written
0x0601 0002
Write access to an object that can only be read
0x0602 0000
Object not present in the object dictionary
0x0604 0041
The object cannot be mapped in the PDO
0x0604 0042
The quantity and length of the mapped objects exceed the PDO length
0x0604 0043
General parameter incompatibility
0x0604 0044
Invalid heartbeat declaration
0x0604 0047
General incompatibility in the device
0x0606 0000
Access error due to a hardware error
0x0607 0010
Wrong data type, length of service parameters incorrect
0x0607 0012
Wrong data type, length of service parameters too large
0x0607 0013
Wrong data type, length of service parameters too small
0x0609 0011
Sub-index does not exist
0x0609 0030
Parameter value range exceeded, only during write access
0x0609 0031
Written parameter value too large
0x0609 0032
Written parameter value too small
0x0609 0036
Maximum value is smaller than minimum value
0x0800 0000
General error
0x0800 0020
Data cannot be transmitted or stored in the application
0x0800 0021
Data cannot be transmitted or stored in the application. Reason: local control
0x0800 0022
Data cannot be transmitted or stored in the application, reason: current device status
0x0800 0023
Dynamic creation error in the object dictionary, or no object dictionary present
0x0800 0024
EDS, DCF or Concise DCF data record contains no data
Table 7: SDO Abort Codes