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This head rest is intended to be placed on the head plate of the operating table after removing of the 
pad usual placed on the head plate. The head rest shall stabilize the head of the patient during X-ray 
and fluoroscopy examinations. The patient can be lying face up or face down. 

The head rest consists of a soft core, covered with a strong watertight shell resistant against most of 
antiseptic detergents. Also resistant against wearing. 


This user manual is for clinical personnel, service personnel and others who need knowledge about 
and understanding of how the head rest is to be used. 


Read the user manual carefully before use of the head rest. 


Always follow the directions in the user manual. 


Always keep the user manual close to the head rest. 


Check carefully at the unpacking, that there are no damages on the head rest. The packing material 
consists of cardboard and plastic and can be recycled. 


Check carefully before every use with patient, that there are no damages in the shell of the head rest 
where dirt can penetrate and create growing bacteria. 













The head of the patient shall be put into the bowl of the head rest for stabilization, which is important 
at X-ray and fluoroscopy examinations with C-arm. The head rest is soft upholstered and have well 
rounded edges for high patient comfort and to prevent pressure injuries to the patient during long 
time examinations or long time operating. 
