page 17
RS-232 Command
ASCII Commands
Serial port protocol: baud rate: 115200(default) Data bits: 8 Stop bits: 1 Check bit: 0
x - Parameter 1; y - Parameter 2; ! - Delimiter
Command Code Function Description
System Setting
Lists all commands
r type!
Get device model
r type!
2X1 HDMI Multiviewer
r fw version!
Get Firmware version
r fw version!
MCU FW version x.xx.xx
SCALER FW version
power z!
Power on/off the de-
vice,z=0~1(z=0 power off, z=1
power on)
power 1!
power on
System Initializing...
Initialization Finished!
MCU FW version x.xx.xx
SCALER FW version
r power!
Get current power state
r power!
power on /power off
The product also supports RS-232 command control. Connect the RS-232 port
of the product to a PC with a 3-pin phoenix connector cable. Then open a Serial
Command tool on PC to send ASCII commands to control the product.
The ASCII command list about the product is shown as below.