Due to the material properties, the WPC profiles require no subsequent
treatment with a protective coating (oil, stain). Therefore treatment with wood
preservatives against fungal attack and colour changes is not necessary.
Care tips
The degree of care required varies depending on the desired appearance, the
local climatic conditions, the sunlight and selected elements. The following is
therefore to be noted for removing dirt and other special cases:
The more often the screen elements are cleaned, the cleaner they will remain
in the long-term. A number of deposits will be removed by regular cleaning.
As a result of this, the formation of mould, for which the deposits would
otherwise serve as breeding ground, is prevented.
Weekly sweeping with a hand brush of the boards and washing at least twice
a year with warm (not too hot) water or a light rinse with water will usually
keep the screen clean in the long-term.
The aluminium frame can be cleaned with water, neutral detergent and white
Never clean the screen with a high pressure cleaner. The strong jet will dama-
ge the surfaces. Any surface finish would be removed.
The use of dirt blasters is not recommended here either.
In principle it is important to always treat soiling (especially grease, oils and
aggressive substances, e.g. bird droppings) as quickly as possible, so that the
surfaces are damaged as little as possible.
In most cases, immediate treatment with warm water and soap is su
The RAU-WOOD profiles can also be cleaned in this case with a bleaching
agent (e.g. oxalic acid-based decking cleaner). The bleaching e
ect of the
respective agent is to be tested beforehand in a concealed area of the screen.
No sharp-edged objects (e.g. brushes) or strong alkaline cleaners (grease
removers) must be used to clean the aluminium frame, as otherwise the
anodised surface will be damaged and this could lead to corrosion.
Special cases:
-Pencil marks from the installation can easily be removed with a rubber
eraser. Chalk marks (white chalk) can be removed with warm water and, if
necessary, a bleaching agent
-Spots from concreting should be removed from the aluminium frame rapidly
using a damp cloth, otherwise the anodised surface will be damaged
-Grease, charcoal or cigarette marks are the toughest stains to remove whilst
grease spots can normally be removed with special cleaners or grease
removers (e.g. neutral soap), charcoal or ash marks can only be removed
by sanding the WPC profile. However, during every sanding operation, the
original brushing finish is adversely a
ected. It is therefore to be ensured
that this takes place in the same direction as the original brushing
Warm water and a brush helps against mould/algae and fungi. For well-esta-
blished mould/algae and fungi, several treatments are often required; special
cleaners to prevent mould/algae and fungi are available in specialist stores.
Using bark mulch in the immediate vicinity of the WPC profile is advised
against, as this normally contains mould spores. Fungi growth is also possible
in certain climatic conditions
Processing/Assembly instructions
Detailed assembly instructions can be found in the installation instructions.
Homepage www.rehau.com/relazzo
Generally WPC profiles can be processed using all conventional wood
processing machines. Drilling, sawing, milling and planing is possible in
principle. Due to the polymer content, a reduced service life of the cutting tool
is to be anticipated. For sawing work (hand-held circular saws), a hard metal
saw blade with interchangeable teeth is recommended.
When assembling the WPC screen, it is to be borne in mind that the WPC
profile may swell and shrink over the coming years due to the influences of
temperature and moisture. It is therefore necessary to ensure that there is an
expansion joint between the individual profiles themselves and the frame; this
is ensured through proper assembly according to the assembly instructions