i-See HD
5.3 Zooming in and out
Turn the knob to the right to zoom in. Turn the
knob to the left to zoom out.
5.4 Zoom presets
While reading texts and looking at images, you
require a zoom setting that suits your needs. The i-See HD contains
a function that memorizes these preferred zoom settings for you.
This means that when you switch from the photograph mode to a
text mode, the i-See HD will automatically switch to the last zoom
setting you used in the text mode. The same goes when you switch
from a text mode to the photograph mode – the device will auto-
matically switch to the last zoom setting you used while viewing
5.5 Blocking the autofocus
The i-See HD will always automatically focus on the object on the
tableau. However, in certain situations (like during writing), it can
be useful to block the autofocus.
Push the zoom knob to block the autofocus. Turn the knob in either
direction to unblock the autofocus.
5.6 Brightness
Turn the knob to the left to decrease or or to the
right to increase the brightness of the image on
your screen.
5.7 Readings aid
By pushing the knob the user can choose between
4 diff erent reading aids: a horizontal and verti-
cal reading line, a horizontal and a vertical block
blank. By subsequently turning the knob you can
fi ne tune your chosen reading aid.
By keeping the knob pressed for 2 seconds, you can immediately
switch your chosen reading aid on or off .