4. Maintenance
Check the condition of the pulley daily prior to use:
1. Pay attention to any “loose” nuts or bolts. Re-tighten nuts and bolts after the pulley has “settled”,
normally within a week or two after the pulley has been put into use. Check the pulley on a monthly basis
after initial check.
2. Pay attention to the rope. On the average, the pulley rope lasts for 12 months with normal pulley use.
Make sure the rope glides smoothly on the pulley wheels. AND, look for “fraying”. Change the rope when
the outer layer has become “fuzzy”. You can contact RehabPro, Inc. directly or your local dealer for a rope
replacement kit.
3. Wipe off the guide rods with a clean rag weekly. After the wipe down spray
silicone lubricant
on a rag
and wipe down the rods with the lubricant. You may want to do this with the rope adjustment bar also for
smoother glide of the rope adjustment assemblies.
How to thread / replace the pulley rope
Thread the rope through the hole in the center rod (from below –
up) Make a simple knot to ensure that it cannot “pull out / up”
through the hole).
Bring the rope up to the pulley wheel under the top box. Thread it
around / over this wheel back to front.
Bring the rope all the way back down to the wheel on the lower
glider. Thread the rope around this wheel back to front.
Bring the rope up to the upper glider. Thread the rope between the
two pulley wheels, back to front.