Regency PG33 Gas Inbuilt
Set the fan speed on the control panel located
in behind the bottom louvre.
It is possible that you will hear some sounds
from your gas appliance. This is perfectly normal
due to the fact that there are various gauges
and types of steel used within your appliance.
Listed below are some examples. All are
operating sounds
and should not be considered
as defects in your appliance.
Regency gas appliances use high tech blowers
to push heated air farther into the room. It is not
unusual for the fan to make a "whirring" sound
when ON. This sound will increase or decrease
in volume depending on the speed setting of
your fan speed control.
Burner Tray:
The burner tray is positioned directly under the
burner tube(s) and logs and is made of a differ-
ent gauge material from the rest of the fi rebox
and body. Therefore, the varying thicknesses of
steel will expand and contract at slightly different
rates which can cause "ticking" and "cracking"
sounds. You should also be aware that as there
are temperature changes within the unit these
sounds will likely re-occur. Again, this is normal
for steel fi reboxes.
Gas Control Valve:
As the gas control valve turns ON and OFF, a
dull clicking sound may be audible, this is normal
operation of a gas regulator or valve.
Unit Body/Firebox:
Different types and thicknesses of steel will
expand and contract at different rates resulting
in some "cracking" and "ticking" sounds will be
heard throughout the cycling process.
There are six fl ame settings that can be adjusted
by pressing and releasing the plus (+) and minus
(-) FLAME button.
The FLAME setting button is located on the
control panel in behind the pedestal door.
On/Off Button
If the unit is switched off, pressing and releasing
this button once will switch the unit on. The unit
will resume its last settings.
If the unit is switched on, pressing and releasing
this button once will switch the unit off.
Increase -
If the unit is switched on, pressing
and releasing the fl ame plus (+) button once will
increase the fl ame height to the next available
high setting.
Decrease -
If the unit is switched on, pressing
and releasing the fl ame minus (-) button once
will decrease the fl ame height to the next avail-
able low setting.
Pressing and releasing the plus (+) FAN button
will change the fan speed as follows:
OFF -> LOW -> MEDIUM -> HIGH -> OFF, etc.
Pressing and releasing the minus (-) FAN button
will be the reverse of the above.
Periodically check the pilot fl ames. The correct
fl ame pattern has 3 strong blue fl ames.
One fl owing around the thermocouple, the
second fl owing across the rear of the burner (it
does not have to be touching the burner) and the
third fl ame fl owing tangent to the spark ignitor.
NOTE: If you have an incorrect fl ame pat-
tern, contact your Regency dealer for further
Rear of Burner
An incorrect fl ame pattern will have small,
probably yellow fl ames, not coming into
proper contact with the rear of the burner or
Rear of Burner
Increase -
If the unit is switched on, pressing
and releasing the fan plus (+) button once will
increase the fan speed to the next available
high setting.
Decrease -
If the unit is switched on, pressing
and releasing the fan minus (-) button once will
decrease the fan speed to the next available
low setting.