First is only informative and it warns to us of the entrance in the screens of programming of the throttle
control. Next it appears the screen of programming the full throttle position. In order to program this
parameter locate the trim and stick in the superior position. Once located in this position, push the red
button " Data Up". At this moment the FADEC will record the received order of the radio as the position
of full power and, in the HDT, the following phase of adjustment is shown. If it is not wanted to modify
this adjustment, is enough with push the white key " Menu up ". This also causes the change of screen
but the throw is not programmed.
The following screen allows to program the lower limit (Stop). In order to do it is enough with locating
the trim and stick to the minimum and push the red button "Data Up ". Also in this case pushing the
white button " Menu up " will cause the change of screen without varying the previous adjustment.
The last screen of adjustment of the transmitter is the position of the trim that will correspond to the idle
of the engine. In order to make this adjustment it is sufficient with locate the stick to the minimum and
the trim to maximum and push the button " Data Up". Just as in the previous adjustments, the button "
Menu up " will cause the change of screen without varying the last recorded adjustment.
Once finished the programming of the transmitter, this can be verified by means of the second screen
of the HDT.
To the right of the value of the received pulse of the transmitter appears a value from the 0 to 100%.
This value must correspond to the relative position of the throttle stick, corresponding 0% to stick and
the trim to the minimum and 100% to stick and trim to the maximum. If it were not arrived at these
values, or the limits of the 0 or 100% were reached before arriving stick in the end, the calibration
process is due to repeat.
When the superior and inferior limits are verified, the adjustment of the trim can be verified. This it is
made through the electroluminescent diode (LED) that incorporates the FADEC.
With the FADEC in start mode, that is to say, just started, locating the trim and the stick at lower side
the LED must be off. When raising the trim slowly, the LED must ignite approximately to half of the
throw of the trim. From this point the FADEC considers that the motor must be running and below this,
5. Starting the engine and tuning the system.
Starting the engine
When switch-on the FADEC this enters in start mode. This mode is indicated by the LED that
illuminates when raising the trim. Once the idle regime has been reached, the FADEC enters in the
automatic mode and to return to the start mode it is necessary to stop the supply of the FADEC and to
return it to on.
Raise the trim of the radio. The LED must ignite indicating " Ready to start ". Apply the starter, open the
gas and to ignite it. When the temperature read by the FADEC is higher than the programmed
minimum, the LED will begin to blink and the pump will begin to provide fuel , beginning in the "Pump
start point" and increasing the volume in agreement with the parameter " Start ramp ". In this phase the
motor will be accelerating until reaching the rpm of idle, and in this moment the LED will be
extinguished and the system will enter in automatic mode, regulating the volume of the pump to
maintain the idle regime. Now the engine is running and its power tracks the throttle control, regulating
the FADEC the fuel flow to maintain the engine safe. To stop the turbine lower the trim and the stick to
The FADEC continuously corrects the values of operation, adapting to the possible changes of voltage
of battery, level of the tank, etc.
5.2 Adjustment of the values of speed of acceleration (Up delay), deceleration (Down delay), and
stabilization (Stability delay)