7.9.5. Connecting Multiple NMEA Devices
It is possible to connect to four NMEA devices if you have the proper hardware. It will
require a USB to RS-232 4-port Hub or a RS-232 4-port terminal block that you would
simply plug into the Optimizer’s USB port.
NOTE: The Optimizer supports RS232. If you have a NMEA RS-422 device, adding a
properly wired RS-422 to RS- 232 converter to your setup may allow the sharing of data.
7.9.6. GPS/NMEA Repeater Parameters Configuration
For the destination software to properly route the GPS data you must configure the
GPS/NMEA Repeater Parameters in the Optimizer User Interface.
From the Optimizer Home page Click Services > GPS/NMEA Repeater tab.
1. Select the source of the GPS/NMEA information (choose only one):
GPS from broadband satellite: Click this if you are using a broadband satellite
terminal with integrated GPS.
GPS/NMEA feed from USB: Click this when connecting a GPS or NMEA device
via USB cable. NMEA Baud Rate - Using the drop-down menu, Click the baud
rate required for the destination software. By default, most NMEA 183 devices
(GPS) and applications use 4800 baud for this setting.
2. UDP Listener Port - Enter the UDP port number that the GPS is connected to. The
default is set to the standard UDP Listener Port for NMEA 183 devices of 10101.
3. UDP Port - Enter the UDP port number to broadcast the GPS data to. The default
is set to the standard UDP Port for NMEA 183 devices of 11101.
NOTE: Configure the destination software to match this port number; or change
this entry to match the requirements of the destination software.