4. In the
“VOIP” tab, fill out the form
with information provided to you by your
RedPort dealer or reseller.
a. MAC Address: Check the bottom of the Optimizer unit to see the MAC
Address, and enter it in this box,
b. Mode: This dropdown should be left to IAX
c. Activation Key: Paste the Activation Key here, provided by your RedPort
Hit “Save & Apply” at the bottom to save your changes.
5. On your iPhone or Android, download the XGate Phone app, or any other soft
phone app.
6. Connect your device to the wXa-223 Wi-Fi from the Optimizer.
7. Open the XGate Phone app and wait until the top left of the screen shows a
green dot and says Connected.
a. If you see a red dot that says: Connection failure, then you are most
likely not connected to the Optimizer Wi-Fi on your iPhone or Android.
NOTE: When you enable the PBX you will be presented with a choice as to which
interface you wish the PBX service to listen on. Listening on the LAN interface will prevent
internet traffic from connecting to your PBX and is recommended.