7.8.3 To do a test of the short circuit cable
1. Disconnect the short circuit cables.
2. Pull the starter rope handle. If a spark occurs, the
fault is in the ignition module or in the short circuit
7.8.4 To do a test of the stop switch
1. Remove the stop switch. Refer to
install the stop switch on page 30.
2. Connect a multimeter between the connection points
on the stop switch.
a) The ohmmeter must show more than 1000 Ω
with the stop switch in the stop position. Replace
the stop switch if the resistance is less than 1000
b) The ohmmeter must show more than 0.1 Ω with
the stop switch in the start position. Replace the
stop switch if the resistance is less than 0.1 Ω.
7.8.5 To examine the spark plug cable
If there is no spark, do the procedure that follows to
examine the connection between the spark plug cable
and the spark plug.
1. Pull the spark plug cable from the spark plug cap.
2. Turn the spring to remove it from the cable.
3. Cut approximately 5 mm of the cable.
~ 5 mm
1351 - 002 - 25.11.2020
Repair instructions - 21