5. Set Background Gas Level
To access to this feature press TEST once, then MENU once. "
" will flash on the display when in
Background Level mode (default setting is 7). Use the Up and Down buttons to adjust the Background
When the gas level is equal to or greater than this number, the unit will transmit a message every 5
seconds; if less than this setting, the unit transmits every 5 minutes.
6. Check Battery Voltage
This mode displays the condition of the batteries. To access to this feature press TEST once, then MENU
twice "
" will flash on the display when in this mode.
7. Error msg
If the display is showing “
” that typically means the sensor housing is not connected or an LEL sensor
is not placed inside the sensor housing.
8. Revision
This mode shows the revision of the software that is being used in theRl101M Head unit. To access,
press TEST Twice. “R 2.3” should show on the display.
9. Relay Test
To enter this mode, press TEST twice and MENU once.
should show display. Use the Up and Down
buttons to adjust the PPM value to send in a message to the Monitor.
The Monitor treats this PPM value in the same way it would treat an actual gas reading.
This will allow for the relays in the Monitor to be activated and shows that the Head unit
is communicating with the Monitor.