Proprietary Redline Communications © 2010
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Sept 18, 2008
AN-80i Product Options Screen
Product Options
in the left hand menu to display the Product Options screen. The
options keys (a string of numbers, letters, and dashes) enable AN-80i features including
the maximum uncoded burst rate and frequency ranges (region codes). Options key are
unique to a specific AN-80i (keyed to MAC address).
At least one valid permanent options key must be purchased and installed before the
AN-80i is placed in-service. A second options key (permanent or temporary key) may be
added to trial new options without deleting the current key.
Important: If the AN-80i is placed in-service without first entering a purchased
permanent Options Key -- you will experience a service outage on the wireless
Figure 15: Web - Product Options Screen
Options Key 1
: Enter a valid permanent or temporary options key.
Options Key 2
: Enter a valid permanent or temporary options key.
Active Options Key
: The Active Options Key field selects the preferred key. If valid, the
selected key will be activated immediately when the Activate button is clicked.
selection is not affected by switching software versions. If the selected key expires
(temp) or the mode is changed (PTP/PMP) the AN-80i will switch to the standby key (if
Important: If the active options key is a temporary key -- always enter and
activate a purchased permanent options key before the temporary key expires --
otherwise you will experience a service outage on the wireless link.
: Click the Activate button to validate, save, and activate new options keys or
changes to the Active Options Key setting. All keys are validated when the Activate
button is clicked. Invalid keys are discarded and an error message is recorded in the
event log. If two keys are entered in the same session (before clicking Activate), values
are saved only if both keys are valid.
1. Keys are shared between PMP and PTP operation.
2. PTP mode has the following restricted operation when both options keys are invalid: 10 MHz
channel, 3 Mbps UBR, DFS permanently enabled, region based common frequency range,
no enhanced options (i.e., AES).
3. A valid options key must be entered to enable PMP mode operation.