No cooling
- Plug not plugged into socket properly
- Power shortage
- Broken temperature controller
- Plug the appliane back in the socket
- Check the power supply
- Contact the supplier
Cooling capacity is
- Bad air circulation in or around the
- Environment temperature is too hot
- Direct sunlight or another heat source
- Too many products in the appliance
- Fan inside the appliance is not working
- Make sure all the appliance has 10cm
of free space on all sides
- Make sure the environment is
properly ventilated
- Remove the appliance from the
sunlight or heat source
- Remove any excess products to
create a better air circulation in the
- Check the fan and make sure it’s
working and not blocked
The appliance is
making a lot of noise
- The appliance is touching a different
- The appliance is not on a flat surface
or isn’t leveled properly
- The appliance isn’t clean on the inside
- Make sure all the appliance has 10cm
of free space on all sides
-Stabilize the appliance and level it
Make sure it is on a flat surface.
- Regular maintenance and cleaning is
- The door is open to often or draws
false air
- The appliance hasn’t been defrosted
properly for a while
- Close the door immediately after use
and check the door gasket
- The appliance should be regularly
cleaned and defrosted.
There is a lot of
excess water at the
bottom of the
- The water drain has been logged so
excessive water cannot be drained
- The appliance isn’t on a flat surface or
isn’t leveled properly so the water
cannot run into the drain
- There is too much warm air leaking
into the appliance which cause
excessive moisture
- Run something thin through the drain
so that any blockages are being
punctured or removed
- Stabilize the appliance and level it
- Close the door immediately after use
and check the door gasket