SmokeSight SS10LNAN V0.5
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previous node being established. This slave node will then 1 Beep/Flash for 1sec confirming that it has joined
the network as a slave and enter ‘Add Radio Node / Build Radio Network Mode’ indicated by 5beep
every 10secs.
Repeat step 3 above on the next alarm, and each subsequent alarm, on your network taking care to only add
each alarm following confirmation that the previously powered alarm has joined the network as a slave.
Once all alarms have been configured they will all be placed into ‘Operation Mode’ 2mins after the last alarm has
joined the network as a slave or by 4Tap of any node’s Test+Hush button to exit ‘Add Radio Node / Build Radio
Network Mode’. On any network alarm confirm that the built node count reported in ‘Operation Mode’ agrees
with your expected node count.
Add Radio Node
This function adds a new alarm node to an existing network. Refer to ‘Initial Setup’ or ‘Build Radio Network’ if you
are setting up an entire network.
Before powering the smoke alarm that you wish to add, select ‘Add Radio Node / Build Radio Network Mode’ on
any networked alarm. From ‘Operation Mode’ this can be achieved by 4Tap, 1Tap, 1Tap of the Test+Hush
button. All alarms on the network will enter ‘Add Radio Node / Build Radio Network Mode’ indicated by
5beep every 10secs.
Apply option card power to the new smoke alarm by inserting its option card batteries into the top battery bay
of the smoke alarm within 2mins of all network alarms entering ‘Add Radio Node / Build Radio Network Mode’.
This new slave node will then 1 Beep/Flash for 1sec confirming that it has joined the network as a slave and
enter ‘Add Radio Node / Build Radio Network Mode’ indicated by 5beep every 10secs.
Repeat step 2 above on the next alarm, and each subsequent alarm, on your network taking care to only apply
power to each alarm following confirmation that the previously powered alarm has joined the network as a
Once all alarms have been configured they will all be placed into ‘Operation Mode’ 2mins after the last alarm has
joined the network as a slave or by 4Tap of any node’s Test+Hush button to exit ‘Add Radio Node / Build Radio
Network Mode’. On any network alarm confirm that the built node count reported in ‘Operation Mode’ agrees
with your expected node count.
Remove Slave Radio Node
This function removes an existing alarm node from an existing network. First check the Node Type (master or slave)
of all of the nodes that you wish to remove. From ‘Operation Mode’ this can be achieved by 2Tap of the Test+Hush
button. If one of the nodes you wish to remove is the master you will need to perform ‘Delete Radio Network’.
If the existing alarm or alarms that you wish to remove are functional perform a ‘Return to Factory Defaults’ on
those alarms only. From Operation Mode this can be achieved by 4Tap, 5Tap, 5Tap of the Test+Hush button on
those alarms to be removed only.
Remove power to the existing alarm or alarms that you wish to remove from the network.
On any remaining smoke alarm select ‘Remove Slave Radio Node’. From ‘Operation Mode’ this can be achieved
by 4Tap, 1Tap, 2Tap, pause, 2Tap of the Test+Hush button. The network will then check to see which alarm
nodes are active and will remove any inactive alarm nodes from the network. This alarm only will remain in
‘Radio Interlink Configuration Mode’ as indicated by 3beep every 10secs.
This smoke alarm will be placed into ‘Operation Mode’ 2mins after the last tap of the Test+Hush button or by
4Tap of the Test+Hush button. On any network alarm confirm that the built node count reported in ‘Operation
Mode’ agrees with your expected node count.
Delete Radio Network
This function deletes an existing radio interlink network.