Connecting and Routing the Cables
Installing the Hardware
Connections for System Management Cables
System management cables provide additional inputs and outputs that can enhance the operation of the
system. None of these connections are required for a SmartEdge 400 router to function correctly. See
Figure 4-18 for the location of the connectors for these cables on the rear of the chassis. The external timing
cable is the only system management cable supported in this release.
Figure 4-18 Connections for System Management Cables
An external timing cable provides a connection from an external synchronization source, such as a building
integrated timing supply (BITS) or synchronization supply unit (SSU), to a SmartEdge 400 router. Each
cable consists of two individually shielded, twisted wire pairs: one pair for the synchronization input and
another pair for the synchronization output. Two connections are possible: one from a primary source and
one from a secondary source. Either connection can provide timing for the entire chassis (input), regardless
of the configuration of the controller cards.
Support for the status and control port is dependent on the release of the operating system.