4” Standard Pump Installation, Operation & Service Manual
Removing the Pump
Swing the electrical connector aside.
If a siphon system is in place, disconnect the siphon tubing. If ball valves are installed, close them.
Remove the two lock-down bolts. To relieve pressure, rock the pump to allow excess pressure to flow into the
tank or back out pressure adjustment screw (see Figure 6).
Confirm that the packer wiring compartment cover/plug (with lifting eye bolt) is properly torqued at 50
ft-lbs (70 N•m). Confirm that the lifting eye bolt is properly torqued to 10 ft-lbs (13.6 N•m) with a
minimum of 6 full threads installed. Occasionally, eye bolts are removed after pump installation and
corrosion may occur in the threaded areas of the wiring compartment cover/plug and the eye bolt. If
corrosion has occurred, the cover/plug and eye bolt should be replaced
Utilize the lifting eye bolt to lift out the extractable unit and place it on a clean surface. Removal of the
extractable section of the pump must be conducted with caution. Make certain that the extractable
portion remains centered within the riser pipe and that no portion of the extractable binds during the
removal process. If binding occurs during removal, stop and determine the cause of the binding and
correct the situation before proceeding with removal.
Lift out the extractable unit.
CAUTION! DO NOT damage the surface above the manifold’s discharge port. The quad seal below the
packer’s leak detector port seals on this surface.
Once the pump is lifted off of the manifold, remove the old quad seal from the base of the packer (under the
line leak port (see Figure 3).
Clean the seating surface and the sealing surface of the quad seal.
10. Lubricate the quad seal with petroleum jelly and install it into the base of the packer’s line leak port. The seal’s
retaining lip fits over the outward angled edge of the port as shown in Figure 4.
Proper replacement of the quad seal is critical for maintenance of product line pressure. An improper
seal will allow the release of product inside the unit and back into the tank.
11. Lubricate the 7” packer o-ring with petroleum jelly and install it in the groove in the packer (see Figure 3).
WARNING! For fixed length pumps:
If removed, install eye bolt plug, using an adequate amount of fresh, UL classified for petroleum, non-
setting thread sealant and torque to 50 ft-lbs (70 N•m). Confirm that the lifting eye bolt is properly
torqued to 10 ft-lbs (13.6 N•m) with a minimum of 6 full threads installed. Occasionally, eye bolts are
removed after pump installation and corrosion may occur in the threaded areas of the wiring
compartment cover (eye bolt plug) and the eye bolt. If corrosion has occurred, the cover and eye bolt
should be replaced.
Utilize the lifting eye bolt to suspend the pump vertically and then install the pump into the manibold.
NOTE: Before replacing the extractable, make sure that the surfaces of the packer o-ring and the quad
seal are clean.
12. Install the pump into the manifold.
13. Align the positioning dowels of the manifold with the holes in the packer.
14. Push the packer as far as possible against the manifold.
15. Insert the lock-down bolts and torque to 45 – 55 ft-lb (61 – 75 N•m).
16. Loosen the bolts that hold the conduit box to the manifold. Do not remove.