Solar-Clear®/Solar Pür™ natural pool water purifiers help protect your pool against
algae and other microorganisms. Solar-Clear®/Solar Pür™ natural pool water purifiers
will transform your swimming pool water into a more natural, mineral infused, water that
is biologically healthy and algae resistant. Using a safe and effective low power output,
Solar-Clear®/Solar Pür™ natural pool water purifiers act as a trickle charger to generate
ions from the mineral anode using the solar power of the sun
a process called “solar
ionization”. During an initialization period it is imperative to maintain a normal sanitizer
level of 1-3 ppm free available chlorine until the ion concentration level has reached the
desired level.
1. Test pool water for free available chlorine and pH using a standard pool water
test kit or strips. Maintain a free available chlorine level of 1-3 ppm and a pH in
the range of 7.2-7.6.
2. Maintain water clarity by “shocking” the pool water using an appropriate dosage
of non-chlorine oxidizer.
3. Using the copper ion test strips provided, check for the presence of copper ions
in the pool water (see ion testing below). At the outset the expected level of
copper ions in the pool water should be 0-.1 ppm. Higher concentrations of
copper ions may be detected if a copper based algaecide was previously used
and/or if the pool water is acidic and copper pipes are present in the filter
circulation system.
4. Place the Solar-Clear®/Solar Pür™ natural pool water purifier in the pool and
allow it to float freely. Be sure that the unit is receiving direct sunlight. To ensure
that the unit is getting sufficient sunlight it may be necessary to tether it in a
suitable area of the pool using a suitable rope or cord.
5. For maximum efficiency the pump and filter system should be operated during
the daylight hours, during which time the Solar-Clear®/Solar Pür™ natural pool
water purifier is generating mineral ions, to permit optimum mixing and
6. Whether or not the pump and filter system are operated at night it is not
necessary to remove the Solar-Clear®/Solar Pür™ natural pool water purifier
from the pool.
Solar Pür
Natural Pool Water Purifier
Natural Pool Water Purifier
In Pool
In Pool