©2008 Recordex USA, Inc. All rights reserved.
Version: 1.1
Installation Guide
Recordex Infinix SCM
Projector Mount Installation
The projector mount will attach to the Ceiling Kit using the extension column.
1. Separate the top portion of the projector mount (C1) from the bottom
portion (C2, universal projector sled) by loosening the thumb nuts and
removing the sled.
2. Thread the Adjustable Ceiling Mount (C1) onto the extension column
(B1) at least ½ inch (see Figure 10).
3. Tighten the set screw (C5) to temporarily set the mount position. To
make a final yaw adjustment you will need to loosen the set screw,
adjust the mount, and then re-tighten the set screw.
4. Determine the proper standoffs to use with your projector. M3, M4,
M5 and M6 standoffs are provided with the mount and one of these
sizes should fit any standard projector.
5. Thread the appropriate standoff into the mounting holes on the bottom
of the projector.
6. Align the universal mounting arms (spider arms) so that they line up
with the projector’s mounting holes.
NOTE: If the projector only has three mounting holes then you can re-
move one of the spider arms or you can leave it attached to the mount
for possible future use. Position the unused arm out of the way and
tighten the thumb screw.
7. When the universal mounting arms (C3) are lined up with the standoffs
then use the screw and washer provided with the standoff to attach
the mounting arm’s adjustable mounting foot with to the standoff (see
Figure 11). Repeat for all three or four mounting points.
8. After the project is secured to the mounting arms securely tighten the
screws (C7) to ensure that the mounting arms will not move out of their
current position (Figure 12)
C6 Roll/Pitch
Adj. Screws
Set Screw
Mounting Hole (bottom of projector)
C7 Screws
Figure 10. Thread Mount
Figure 11. Attach Sled to Projector
Bottom of Projector
Figure 12. Secure Mounting Arms