General information
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General information
Purpose and use of the instructions
These instructions are an integral part of the system and enable efficient and safe handling of the sys-
tem. In order to ensure proper functioning, the instructions must be accessible at all times and kept in
the immediate area of the system.
Although only the male form has been chosen for reasons of better legibility, the information refers to
members of both sexes.
The operator must have read and understood the manual before starting any work. The basic require-
ment for safe working is to follow the safety instructions and the handling instructions. In addition, the
local regulations and safety rules apply.
The manual can be handed over in extracts to instructed personnel who are familiar with the opera-
tion of the system.
The illustrations are for basic understanding and may differ from the actual presentation. Specific rep-
resentations are contained in the drawings.
The copyright of the instructions remain at:
Carl-Benz-Str. 5-15
D – 77972 Mahlberg
It is prohibited to reproduce, distribute or use the manuals for purpose of competition without the writ-
ten authorization of BLASI GmbH.
Violation of the here stated copyrights will be prosecuted and fined with compensation of damage.
Subject can change without prior notice.
Differences between product and manual are thereby possible.
Product identification
The nameplate located on the door provides accurate identification of the product.
Manufacturer BLASI GmbH
BLASI GmbH Automatic Door Systems
Carl-Benz-Str. 5-15
D-77972 Mahlberg
+49 7822-893-0
+49 7822-893-119
Target groups
Risk of injury if personnel are insufficiently qualified!
If unqualified personnel work on the system or are in the danger zone of the system, dangers may
arise which can cause serious injuries and considerable damage to property.
a) All work must be carried out by qualified personnel only.
b) Keep unqualified personnel away from danger areas.
This operating manual is intended for the target groups listed below:
– Operating entity of the system:
the person who is responsible for the technical maintenance of this system
– Operator of the system:
the person who operates the system every day and has been suitably instructed