Using an 18 mm wrench (not supplied) attach the upright column to the
base using 2 M10 x 80 mm bolts, ensuring that there is an M10 washer
between each bolt and the upright column and another M10 washer
between each M10 nut and the base,
Fig 9.1
Repeat this process to
assemble the second base onto the second upright column.
Using a 16 mm wrench (not supplied) attach the upright plinth to the
upright column using 2 M10 x 80 mm bolts to the desired height, making
sure that the overhang of the plate on top of the plinth is facing towards
the inside of the leg stand. Also ensure that there is at least 1 hole space
between the 2 bolts and that both bolts pass through the upright column.
Fig 9.2
Repeat this process to complete assembly of the second leg.
Please note: The leg stand is adjustable in height to allow for
comfortable use of the lathe. As a general rule, the centre height
of the lathe should be at elbow height.
Using a 16 mm wrench (not supplied) attach the female cross brace to one
of the upright columns using two M10 x 80 mm bolts. Attach the male cross
brace to the remaining upright column in the same manner,
Fig 9.3
To complete assembly of the leg stand, insert the male cross brace into the
female cross brace, ensuring that the distance from the outer edges of the
tops of the plinths is approximately 945 mm. Using a 16 mm wrench (not
supplied) hold in place with 2 M10 x 25 mm hex head screws,
Fig 9.4
The remaining bolts, nuts and washers are used to attach the lathe to
the stand.
9. Assembly of the Optional DML305/A Leg Stand
Fig 9.1
Fig 9.3
Fig 9.2
Upright plinth
Upright column
945 mm
Fig 9.4
M10 x 25 mm hex
head screws
945 mm
Fig 9.4
M10 x 25 mm hex
head screws