Flexcom Kommunikációs Kft
Üzembehelyezési és használati útmutató (2021/11/23)
Search for the clock
As a result of the command the
watch beeps.
Position update
The command sends the clock's
current position data to the
system out of line.
Scheduled position upload
The device uploads its
geographical coordinates to the
central system at intervals
selected from the list. Map
tracking works based on these
coordinates, and the denser
this upload, the more accurate
it is. The optimal setting can be
experimented individually
based on needs and practice.
ATTENTION! The frequency of
data upload significantly affects
the operating time - try to
adjust its density according to
the actual use and needs.
SOS phone numbers
Enter the phone numbers to
call when you press the SOS
SOS alarm (SMS)
In case of an SOS alarm, if the
function is activated, the device
will also send an SMS message
to the SOS telephone numbers.
The cost of the SMS is borne by
the user of the watch!
Low battery alarm via SMS
If you turn on the function, the
device will also send an SMS
message to the central
telephone number if the battery
voltage level is low (20%).
The cost of the SMS is borne by
the user of the watch!
Do not disturb period
Three periods (with hour /
minute limits) can be set during
which the clock does not
receive communication.