Flexcom Kommunikációs Kft
Üzembehelyezési és használati útmutató (2021/11/23)
Flexcom Communication Ltd.
2151 Fót, Szent Imre str. 94. HUNGARY
Email: [email protected]
2151 Fót, Dózsa György str. 34. HUNGARY
Phone: +36 1 769 1005
Mobile 1: +36 70 3333 525
Mobile 2: +36 70 3333 527
Phone service: (Monday-Thursday) 9.00–15.00
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in our documents is accurate. Flexcom
Kommunikációs Kft. Is not responsible for typographical errors and misspellings.
Flexcom GPS Tracking Solutions, GPS Positioning System, Nyomkovetes.net is a registered trademark
and domain name of Flexcom Kommunikációs Kft. In Hungary. Other company and product names
mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
Protection of personal data
The product is a complete product as a combination of hardware and software components. For safe
and correct use, proceed as described in this manual during installation and use. Keep the device or
software out of the reach of unauthorized persons. Our company provides all technical and regulatory
conditions to ensure that data management complies with legal requirements and that your data does
not fall into unauthorized hands. We accept no liability for damage resulting from unauthorized use of
the product and software.