ower configuration (pict. 4) shows the situation for three microphones, where each of them has the priority to two
ones left. In such a configuration, the priority goes to that microphone which is activated as the first one. So, when
he speech to tsomebody starts speaking to microphone no 2, the microphones no 1 and 3 are not active till the end
of the microphone no 2. Microphones no 1 and 3 behave analogically. Such a configuration is possible for all eight
microphones. Thanks to that, there is a situation, where only one microphone is always active and it makes
impossible for somebody else to interrupt, what is valuable for the order of the conference
Pict. 4
9. Configuration and operation of the amplifier with the additional power terminal
Amplifier type AMWL-DSP 4 A have optional an additional power amplifier
100W. .
The end of 100W can be switched on DSP output OUT 1 [33], DSP OUT 2 [33],
DSP OUT 3 [33] or DSP OUT 4 [33] (Inside the amplifier is a switch to do this).
The red arrow in the photo on the right shows the location. Switch has been
described by DSP output OUT 1-4 [33].
The picture shows the use of the amplifier in that version.
The main power terminal operates on one loudspeaker’s circuit
(red colour) and the other circuit loudspeakers are spaced. Then,
it is possible to adjust demanding delay on the additional 100W
power terminal, which operates on this loudspeaker’s circuit.
An example of the AMWL-DSP4A/400+100
amplifier use