Weight Calibration Routine
This continues from section 6.2.3.
Proportional Scaling Factor/Speed Compensation
NOTE: This appears only if dynamic weighing mode
”) is set, otherwise, skip to section 6.2.4
“Proportional Scaling” compensates for
efficiency losses in a dynamic lift, and is a
scaling factor based on the maximum load
of the machine. This factor is more
significant for large capacity machines.
Press again to confirm the entry in step 5.
The screen displays “
Lift the FULL bucket through the weighing
position a number of times at MAXIMUM
speed, each time noting the number
displayed (the frequency signal from the load
NOTE: If you maintain a constant lift speed and
engine revs on the lifts, the frequency
readings should not normally vary more than a
few Hertz
When an acceptable loaded, fast lift is made,
press to confirm the entry. The screen
then displays “
LoAd SLo
Lift the FULL bucket a number of times at MINIMUM speed, each time noting
the number displayed (the frequency signal from the load sensor). When an
acceptable slow lift is made, press to confirm the entry. The screen then
displays “
Lift the EMPTY bucket a number of times at MAXIMUM speed, each time noting
the number displayed (the frequency signal from the load sensor). When an
acceptable fast lift is made, press to confirm the entry. The screen then
displays “
EmPt Slo
Lift the EMPTY bucket a number of times at MINIMUM speed. Press the to
confirm, as before. Speed compensation is calculated from the fast and slow
lifts, and is automatically switched on. The screen then displays “
If you want to weigh
dynamically, you need
only perform this
routine for Channel 1.
Speed compensation
and Proportional
Scaling then takes
effect for any other
channel set for dynamic
weighing (“dYn”).
For channels 2 to 5, you
subsequently perform a
simple Zero and Cal
Load lift regardless if
the channel is set for
dynamic weighing or for
Static weighing.