DCN: 141-00940-02 7/14/03
The specific X10 commands that the TXB16 Control Unit can receive and how they are decoded into
setpoints and modes is defined by a “Decode Table”. The TXB16 includes 3 Unit Code decode tables, B, P,
L and the Preset Dim Bi-Directional decode table. See the X10 Protocol manual #150-00200 for further
Unit Code Decode Tables
Unit Code Decode tables us the simple direct X10 commands sent by devices like the X10 mini or maxi
controller, most all home automations systems and many security systems. They consist of messages with
a House Code and Unit Code command sequences of House Code/Unit Code/Command such as A 1 ON
(A= house code, 1 = unit code, On=command).
There are three Unit Code Command Decode Tables available in the TXB16, the P Decode table (default), the
B Decode Table and the L Decode Table. Each has slightly different decode schemas.
The P decode table is the primary and default table and is the same as used by the TX15-B
Non bi-directional TX15s used the B decode table.
The L table is a special limited ON/OFF/SETBACK decode table for use with security systems that
can have only one X10 House code and that must be shared with lighting and the thermostat.
Setting the Default Unit Code Decode Table
The TXB16 is default set to the P decode table. You can set/change the decode table used by the TXB16
three ways.
1. For quick and easy setting the TXB16 to be compatibility with older TX15 software that used the “B”
Decode Table, set the control unit dipswitch SW1 position 4 ON. In this position, the decode table
selection cannot be overridden with any X10 commands.
2. Use the Unit Code All Lights On (ALO) or All Units Off (AUO) commands. ALO will set the unit code
decode table to “B” and AUO will set the decode table to “P”. These changes are stored in EEProm
memory and will not be lost by a power cycle.
3. Use the Preset Dim commands to select the decode table.
a. Unit code 4, preset level 90% will set the decode table to “P”
b. Unit code 4, preset level 94% will set the decode table to “B”
c. Unit code 4, preset level 97% will set the decode table to “L”
These changes are also stored in EEProm memory and will not be lost by a power cycle.
Unit Code and Preset Dim Command Control
Unless otherwise turned off by preset dim commands, both Unit Code and Preset Dim commands can be
used simultaneously. Unit Code commands can be inhibited by a preset dim command (Unit 4 55%).
Preset Dim commands can also be inhibited by a Preset Dim command (Unit 4 61%). Note that the Preset
Dim Command “Preset ON” (Unit 4 58%) command is always enabled.
Other Preset Dim Control Commands
The Preset Dim command set contains many other control options. Refer to the X10 protocol manual for
details on these commands. They are listed below.
Unit Code Commands ON/OFF
Preset Dim Commands ON/OFF
Acknowledgement Mode ON/OFF
Echo Mode ON/OFF
Safe Mode ON/OFF
Autosend Mode ON/OFF
Dual Setpoint Mode ON/OFF
Test Mode ON/OFF