Product Guide | Issue 1.5 | GP Gateway
Page 6
Setting up the Gateway
The GP Gateway
The 32 boxes under the heading of “units” allow the user to configure each of the controller unit numbers which
are to be connected onto the GP Gateway’s RS485 interface. Simply click into each box and type the controller
address. Please note the controller address should be entered in exactly the same format that it appears on the
The SM1020/
variant also allows the user to enter three characters of text preceding the unit number e.g
JSR1.0. - where JSR stands for J.Sainsbury Restaurant. This text will be included within the XML string that is
supplied to the monitoring bureau, and can aid in the physical location of a particular device.
Once all unit addresses are entered simply click the “Apply” button to save the configuration. This action will
cause the GP Gateway to restart. Please note that the transmission of xml data will commence after a period of 2
minutes following a restart.
Network Parameters
To assign the GP Gateway a static IP address simply click into the desired field and type the required address. If
the “use DHCP” field is checked, the GP Gateway will automatically request an IP address from the network
DHCP server. Please note:- If DHCP has been selected and the user subsequently wishes to re-enter the
configuration page this can be achieved by following the same steps as defined at the start of this document. Any
changes should be followed by clicking the “Apply” button to save the changes. This action will cause the GP
Gateway to restart.
XML Parameters
The values within the “XML Port” and “XML Password” are automatically populated on power up. Care should be
taken if the user wishes to change these values from the defaults. Any changes should be followed by clicking
the “Apply” button to save the changes. This action will cause the GP Gateway to restart.
Adaptor Control
If either the “restart” or “Reload Factory Settings” boxes are checked and “Apply” is subsequently clicked these
actions will immediately take effect, and the GP Gateway will restart.