The 761-1870 FRC Light Ring is equiped with 9 high brightness tri-color LEDs.
Users can control the Red, Green, and Blue light levels through 3 seperate 0-5V
PWM inputs. The LEDs will be enabled by default. To turn the LEDs off, the RGB pins
must be connected to GND. The Light ring's 12VDC power and RGB PWM inputs are
all connected through a 5 pin, 3.5mm, plugable, terminal block.
Light Ring Pinout:
Pin 1
0 VDC (Negative)
Pin 2
12 VDC
Pin 3
RED, 0-5V (FRC PWM Compatible)
Pin 4
GREEN, 0-5V (FRC PWM Compatible)
Pin 5
BLUE, 0-5V (FRC PWM Compatible)
Mounting Instructions:
The Light Ring can be mounted using the holes in the four corners of the circuit
board. Users can choose to use screws or standoffs to securly attach the light ring in
the desired location. Alternatively, the light ring can be fastened directly to a
camera, such as the Axis M1013, using cable ties.
2 Version 1.0 11/4/2014
Pin 1
The light ring should not be mounted such that the surface of the circuit
board or components come into contact with conductive or abrasive materials that
could short out or damage the product.